The service uptime for any cloud hosting account is of considerable importance. If you’re using a server which has frequent problems and your website is not available for extended periods of time, it is more likely that visitors shall not return. Assuming you have an online store, for example, it will mean lost potential customers smaller revenue. Your internet sites might even get penalized by search engines like google with lower rankings regardless of how good their content is. To protect yourself from this type of scenario, you should always make sure that the hosting service you get is stable. That way, the success of your website will depend only on its content and your advertising and marketing campaigns and will not be affected by hosting-related aspects that you've got no control of.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Cloud Hosting

We guarantee 99.9% service uptime for each and every cloud hosting account on our web servers. We utilize an avant-garde cloud web hosting platform in which each and every part of the hosting service is handled by a separate set of servers, thus if one server fails, the other ones inside the cluster are going to take over right away. The cloud platform also lessens the overall load substantially, so the website hosting service is much more stable in comparison with a service by which everything runs on a single machine and your Internet sites are going to perform in the best possible way. In addition, we have redundant Internet lines and diesel-powered backup generators to make sure that your sites will stay online no matter what. Hardware and software firewalls warrant the adequate functioning of your web servers in the case of DDoS attacks whereas in the case of any software issue, we have administrators monitoring the servers 24/7.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We guarantee 99.9% uptime for each and every semi-dedicated server package acquired through our company. Forget about your website being offline for some reason because we employ a top-notch cloud internet hosting platform with a custom-built load balancing system. Instead of running everything on a single server and risking one service to take everything down, we've spread the numerous services among their own groups of web servers. In other words, your files, database, email messages, stats, etc., are addressed by different clusters, and so the failure of one web server will have no influence on the overall service or on your Internet websites. A number of backbone Internet providers and diesel backup generators guarantee that infrastructural problems won't affect your websites either. We have hardware and software firewalls and a competent team of admins to monitor the incoming and outgoing traffic and to respond to every single software issue 24/7.

Service Uptime Guarantee in VPS Hosting

All of our Virtual Private Server packages come with a 99.9% uptime warranty. The stability and availability of the service is ensured by several Internet providers and diesel-powered backup generators. We also employ new hardware for the physical hosting servers where the VPS accounts are created to steer clear of any chance of hardware malfunction and every part has been tested substantially. The security of your information is guaranteed by using enterprise-level hard drives working in RAID and the uptime warranty time includes all maintenance procedures, so your websites are going to be working basically without any disruptions. Our experienced administrators will resolve quickly any software issue that may appear, so even if there's a problem with another virtual private server account on the physical hosting server, your VPS shall not be affected. The web server uptime is listed on our website and not concealed in our Terms of Service because we can keep our promise and provide an incredibly reliable hosting service.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Web Hosting

If you buy a dedicated server plan from our company, you will be able to take advantage of our service and network uptime warranty. We will make sure that your server is online a minimum of 99.9% of the time no matter what. We use new, meticulously tested hardware parts to build each machine and we make certain that all pre-installed software is working correctly before the hosting server is handed over to the consumer. We've also taken measures to prevent any possible infrastructural troubles - the constant power supply is guaranteed by powerful diesel generators, while 24/7 access to the dedicated servers is ensured via numerous independent Internet providers. Our administrators are available 24/7, including weekends & holidays, so even if any unexpected problem comes up, they'll resolve it immediately to prevent any downtime of your machine and the websites or offline apps accommodated on it.