When you obtain a web hosting server with the purpose to start your individual web hosting company and to resell plans to various people, you may as well want to sell domains, to give your customers the option to purchase everything they need for their new site from a single place. To be a certified registrar involves thousands of dollars plus a lot of documentation, so the easiest solution would be to register for a domain reseller account with an existing registrar company. Your reseller site will be connected to that account via the registrar's API. Using this kind of account has a variety of pros - all your customers can obtain and to control new domain names with ease; the cost of a brand new registration will be lower compared to what you'd have to pay as an end customer; and you'll be able to start reselling immediately. The registrar businesses that offer domain reseller accounts often need an amount of money as a deposit.

Enom Domain Name Reseller Account in VPS Hosting

When you acquire one of our Linux VPS hosting and select the cPanel web hosting Control Panel, you will be able to start your individual hosting company almost immediately. We'll also supply you with a number of free gifts that will enable you to do that and one of these is a domain name reseller account with eNom. This is one of the biggest ICANN-accredited businesses nowadays and they support tens of generic and country-code top-level domain name extensions, which means that you'll have customers from all around the world. Considering that the reseller account will be under our own account, you will not be expected to deposit anything and the discount which you'll get for the domain registrations will be considerably higher when compared to the one that you'll get when you sign up directly. You'll never need to pay for the eNom account which we'll make for you and you will be able to use it for as long as you will need. The reseller account can be connected to the ClientExec billing and support solution that we'll give you totally free with the VPS.

Enom Domain Name Reseller Account in Dedicated Web Hosting

We give a complimentary domain reseller account with all of our Linux dedicated web hosting obtained with the cPanel web hosting CP, so if you obtain a hosting server from us, we shall supply you with all you need to start up a profitable reseller business very quickly. The account shall be created under our own account with eNom, one of the leaders on the domain registration market. It will allow you to offer your clients all of the generic and country-code domain extensions, so your services will be more popular with customers compared to what the competitors can provide. The benefit of using the 100 % free account from us is that we are employing their top package, so all the rates that you'll see for the different extensions are the lowest. With just a few clicks, you could add the eNom account to any billing solution, including the ClientExec reseller platform, which we also provide absolutely free.